Ffiondavies’s Blog

Zoe Irvine…….

Posted in Uncategorized by ffiondavies on February 26, 2009

We were lucky enough to have Sound artist Zoe Irvine come to The School of Art to give  a lunchtime lecture last year.  In all honesty I wasn’t that into in her work at the tim, but I thought her ideas and concepts were really impressive.

However, after coming into my 3rd year and following a completely different artistic path than textiles (which i still love), having never thought I would be into Multi Media art, i was really impressed with her work when i sat down and had a closer look….



Magnetic Migration Music is an ongoing found sound work which collects, listens to and remixes ‘migrating tape’ – fragments of audio cassette tape found traveling through the landscape. The hub of the project is www.magneticmigration.net MMM is a participatory project and has made broadcasts, installations, exhibitions and publications. Most recently it was included in Save the Day at the Kunstbüro in Vienna, Borderphonics in Paris, the East Wing Collection at the Courtauld Institute in London and Interference: Public Sound also in London   

 Listen to an extract from Pas de Calais, which mixes found tape fragments, recorded interviews and soundscapes collected in the near the Sangatte Red Cross Centre in MMM’s first focus project in 2002. 
Magnetic Migration Music – Pas de Calais was was released in 2003 with accompanying 30p colour book.



Irvine is an Associate Lecturer on the Time Based Art Course in the School of Television and Imaging. 

Irvine’s practice includes installations, audio publications, net works, participatory works and broadcasts.


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